Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Love You

I am absolutely 100% completely blessed to have such a wonderful person in my life.

For those of you that don’t know my story, I am a 30 year old divorced mother of three. My marriage had many issues – some from me, some from him –

I have had a lot of ups and downs in my life. Reflecting upon all these down times (and ups), I have never had one person stand beside me to be there for me -- never had a rock in my life.

I am very fortunate to have had such a wonderful person fall into my life. He is my rock, my superman, my love.

He is there for me in my lowest lows – gives me his shoulder when I need to cry, gives me advice when I don’t know which way to turn, and is just there in any way that I need him.

He is there for me in my highest highs – with me to share wonderful moments, and is proud of who and what I am and can do.

Because of all he is and all he does … I Love You Corey ♥ 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Need New Ideas

Would love to get some new recipes in my kitchen!  
Please share with me one (or more) of your all time favorite recipes!


Monday, August 23, 2010

I made it!

I made it through the move! 
We are all moved (can't say 100% because the guys left stuff at the apartment -- grrrr), but we are all moved -- DONE!

I should start this post by saying that after my no good very bad day posting from Thursday, things got worse... on my way home from work, I got a flat tire.  No spare and no cell phone.  Thank goodness a very nice man stopped and took me to my mom's house.  Yes, I got in a car with a stranger ... what else was I going to do.  Thursday night was spent trying to get a new tire and getting it on my car.  So absolutely no moving got done on Thursday.  I decided to stay home from work on Friday to make sure everything got done.

Sunday we had a "we are in our new home" party (and its my daughter's birthday) party.  Thank you to all the friends that came -- we loved having you!  Hopefully we can do another one before it gets too cold out to swim and hopefully some of the friends who couldn't make it can make it the next time.

So... moved in and loving the new place.  The garage is FULL of stuff to be either put away or pitched.  I am going to do my best to become a purger and pitch a lot of stuff that is not needed.  (wish me luck)   

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hello, It's me

Hello, it is me ... your long lost blog writer.  

This has been a week from hell.  -- yuck

The good news is that we are moving into a home on the lake.  It is beautiful!  The bad news is we got the keys on Tuesday and have to be 100% completely out of our apartment by 9:00 p.m. on Friday.  The bad news continues because my wonderful fiance' has to work every night this week.  That leaves me (and who ever I can recruit) to pack and move -- everything.   Here we are Thursday and I have bunk beds left to take apart, all the boys toys, all of my daughter's room my hope chest the kitchen ...  yes, a lot left to move.
I am bruised and sore and TIRED OF MOVING!  I just want to cry, say screw it and leave everything in the apartment.

To add to the week from hell, work has been horrendous.  BUSY BUSY and BITCHY grumpy people.  Not fun.

Yep, if you stumbled onto today's posting, you stumbled into a very grumpy, stressed on the verge of a panic attack adorable person -- not the usual fun loving easy going carefree person that I TRY to be.

If you have any words of encouragement (to keep me from losing my sanity this week), I would love to hear them.
If you have a huge desire to pack and move, I would love to have you over!  If you have boxes that need filled, I can help you with that also.  Trucks are great, vans are good, and cars work too. {wink wink}

Seriously though, thank you to the friends that have helped me this week.  Without you I don't know what I would have done -- well yes I do... I would have went home and cried.

To bring some positive to this post ~ isn't our new place beautiful?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Holding on to anger

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” ~Buddha

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back from Vacation

Where have I been the last few days you ask … well I was on a mini vacation! Due to a few different circumstances (all of which happen to work out just fine) we decided to stay in town. We got a room at a really nice hotel and stayed two nights (one night free woot woot!). Spent MANY hours pool side of the indoor/outdoor pool.

First day off work – Friday – Friday morning turned into a very hellacious time. So lets skip ahead to Friday late afternoon. We got the hotel room and spent a few hours swimming. Then we went to the (somewhat) new ice rink and went ice skating. The first time the kids have ever been on skates and the first time for me in probably 20+ years. We had so much fun. I must also brag to say that I am the only one who did not fall! (yeah me!) Came back to the hotel and did more swimming and got ice cream pool side. – vacation just isn’t a vacation unless you are eating chocolate ice cream by the pool at 10:30 p.m., right?!?

Saturday started off with a wonderful steak house restaurant buffet breakfast at the hotel. Then off to get ready and head to Science Central. We spent MANY hours there. Again, a first for us (except my daughter who had been there before). Lunch was a wonderful visit to the Famous Fort Wayne Coney Island for some yummy coney dogs that we got to go. Back to the hotel and ate lunch … you guessed it … pool side. We had intended on going to a baseball game Saturday night but who would have guessed that the game would sell out a week in advance?!? The kids picked to have their special dinner night out at Red Lobster and they all behaved very well. After dinner was spent swimming. I must say how proud I am of my tweedles three for how well they are now able to swim! I finally dragged them out of the pool and we all fell asleep snug as bugs watching Marmaduke.

Sunday morning we had breakfast at the hotel again and spent the last few hours before check out swimming. (yes, my kids are water bugs). Went to my moms Sunday afternoon and did our first round of freezing corn (no, not what I had planned to do on my vacation – but its all good). We all crashed in our own beds within 20 minutes of getting home.

Monday – my final day off work – We spent a while at the park, came home and took naps – much needed naps, had pizza hut for dinner and finished our family vacation with Cats & Dogs (the movie). It was a nice finish to a mini vacation.

This is my last full week with the kids. After this week the summer visitation scheduled is done and it goes back to the every other weekend and Wednesdays. {pout} My oldest starts 3rd grade and my middle starts kindergarten. This (in my opinion) was a wonderful end of summer fun. I hope everyone reading this was able to find some fun this summer as well.

Please share with me what you did this summer!  
And if you are from around my area, PLEASE share with me some fun kid friendly things to do!!

OH… yes, I have pictures! I will upload them at some point.

Ta ta

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wordless Wednesday ~ Whitley County Courthouse

Some beautiful (IMO) pictures that I took of the
Whitley County Courthouse (Indiana).

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Back By Demand

Okay, so it hasn't been that long since I have wrote on my blog, however, I had someone ask me today about it (you know who you are [wink wink] -- and YEAH someone does read it!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday -- August 3rd.  WOW, where is time going?   This year is going by so quickly.  Kylie's will be turning 8 (OH MY!) and David starts kindergarten (OH MY!).this month.

No time today for a long blabberling post -- sorry!  But nonetheless and great big HELLO!