Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Friday!

Hello Everyone and Happy Friday to you!

I am so excited for fall to be here.  Pumpkin flavored, stuff, caramel apples, the crunch of fallen leaves, the smell in the air ..... but please explain why it is still 90 degrees outside!

I am ready to get out all my fall decorations and decorate my home this year.  The kids will be spending Halloween with me this year also -- YAY!  Still no idea what costumes everyone will wearing this year.  -- What are you going to be?

What other (not so) exciting things are going on?  Did you know that today is the 267th day of the year   and there are 98 days remaining until the end of the year.  This year has gone by fast in my opinion.  Now if I can just get the individual work days to go by just as fast!

So with today being Friday, it is the start to the weekend ... and I have zero plans.  It will be delightful to have my honey home with me on Saturday though! (YAY!)  However, a bit said that they kids will not be home with me this weekend. OH... my future in-laws are coming over on Sunday -- bringing the trampoline :)

Well I just learned an interesting fact ~ Yesterday we had a full moon.  Not just any full moon, but the HARVEST MOON!  

On to the holidays .....

Friday September 24 ~ Love Note Day, Punctuation Day, Schwenkfelder Thanksgiving and Hug a Vegetarian Day

and since I am not around to post on the weekends ....

Saturday September 25 ~  Boys' and Girls' Club Day for Kids, Family Health & Fitness Day USA, Fish Amnesty Day, National One-Hit Wonder Day, National Public Lands Day, National Museum Day, National Hunting & Fishing Day, R.E.A.D. in America Day, and World Ataxia Awareness Day.

Sunday September 26 ~ Gold Star Mother's Day, Johnny Appleseed Day, National Good Neighbor Day, Hunting & Fishing Day, Shamu the Whale Day and Walk Like a Zombie Day.

Looks like we have a lot to celebrate guys!  

If you are celebrating one of the holidays are celebrating something of your own... please let me know!  Would love to hear from you.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hello Hello!

Hey guys!  First, let me say I am sorry if you visited my page recently and got the horrible looking photobucket error in the background ~ got that fixed! 

Today is Wednesday and I normally (well when I get around to it), do Wordless Wednesday ~ not today!  You are in for special treat .... well, not really ... sorry!

Things new in my life ~ well, not much.  My daughter has started 3rd grade, my middle son has started kindergarten and my youngest just started preschool (wow I feel old!)  All kids seem to be having fun and doing good. Well, not all ... my middle son has hit a very rough patch when it comes to acting out and trying to get his way.   Hope this is a phase and will pass soon.  I am still working at the same place, still living in the new place and still have boxes to put away! LOL  Really, we have a lot done and I am so happy to be in our new  home.

My life is boring .... lets go see what is happening in the wacky world of holidays today shall we?

As I am sure most of you know (really?? you didn't know??), today is the Autumnal Equinox Day (a/k/a the first day of fall).  Today is the day when there is exactly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness at the equator.  Today is also American Business Women's Day, Dear Diary Day, Elephant Appreciation Day, Hobbit Day, National Centenarian's Day, and National White Chocolate Day.

First, lets give a huge shot out to all of the American Business Women out there!  Also, lets all not forget to write in our diary tonight (do people still write in books??), be sure to go the zoo and see the elephants today (or maybe eat some peanut butter?)  .... MUST be something fun to celebrate Hobbit Day! hmmm.....  Centenarians, you guys rock also ~ congrats on living to be at least 100 (you knew that is what that meant right!)  and my favorite part of the day ... NATIONAL WHITE CHOCOLATE DAY!  that, we must do something to celebrate! 

Please share with me what is special about your day?  Does September 22 mean something to you?  Would love to hear about it.

I am bored at work, so I am going to continue with random things about today -- lets go see what birthdays I can find ~ off to go search the web ~

ROCK ON!  Today is Joan Jett's 52nd birthday!  Happy Birthday to you -- you my dear ROCK!  (LOVE HER!)

Also celebrating today ..... Tom Felton (23), Adam Lazzara (29), Bonnie Hunt (46), Scott Baio (49), Andrea Bocelli (52), Nick Cave (53), Johnette Napolitano (53), Debby Boone (54) Shari Belafonte (56) and Tony Lasorda (83).

I thought Tonya Lasorda was dead ?? just checked wiki ~ apparently not

Ta Ta Adorkable Readers ~ until next time  (which hopefully isn't so long away!)