Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hello, It's me

Hello, it is me ... your long lost blog writer.  

This has been a week from hell.  -- yuck

The good news is that we are moving into a home on the lake.  It is beautiful!  The bad news is we got the keys on Tuesday and have to be 100% completely out of our apartment by 9:00 p.m. on Friday.  The bad news continues because my wonderful fiance' has to work every night this week.  That leaves me (and who ever I can recruit) to pack and move -- everything.   Here we are Thursday and I have bunk beds left to take apart, all the boys toys, all of my daughter's room my hope chest the kitchen ...  yes, a lot left to move.
I am bruised and sore and TIRED OF MOVING!  I just want to cry, say screw it and leave everything in the apartment.

To add to the week from hell, work has been horrendous.  BUSY BUSY and BITCHY grumpy people.  Not fun.

Yep, if you stumbled onto today's posting, you stumbled into a very grumpy, stressed on the verge of a panic attack adorable person -- not the usual fun loving easy going carefree person that I TRY to be.

If you have any words of encouragement (to keep me from losing my sanity this week), I would love to hear them.
If you have a huge desire to pack and move, I would love to have you over!  If you have boxes that need filled, I can help you with that also.  Trucks are great, vans are good, and cars work too. {wink wink}

Seriously though, thank you to the friends that have helped me this week.  Without you I don't know what I would have done -- well yes I do... I would have went home and cried.

To bring some positive to this post ~ isn't our new place beautiful?


  1. Hang in there!!! You'll get it done!

  2. We moved into our house, in the hottest part of july, just my wife and I. Couches, beds, everything except a fridge was just us. It was a nightmare.

    So, just saying there are people out there that can relate.

    Cheer up, in a week it'll be a bad memory and nothing more. (maybe a sore back.)

  3. Thank you for your words of encouragement!
